Margarete Fuchs, "The Moving View: The Gaze in the Modern German Literature" (Rombach Verlag, 2014)


In her new book Der bewegende Blick: Literarische Blickinszenierungen der Moderne (Rombach Verlag, 2014)---The Moving View: The Gaze in the Modern German Literature---Margarete Fuchs, a postdoc at the Philipps University of Marburg, examines the role of gaze and looking within modern German literature. By studying various important authors, such as Heinrich Mann, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin she uncovers several dimensions of the gaze. For example, she points at the modernist feelings of crisis--- identity crisis, language crisis, crisis of anonymity, and loneliness and links all this with gaze. On the one hand, gazes might offer a solution by establishing social connectedness, but on the other hand, gazes can also be used for gaining power over other people. Interestingly, both of these dimensions and even further aspects can be found within modernist literature.

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