John B. Judis, "The Nationalist Revival: Trade, Immigration, and the Revolt Against Globalization" (Columbia Global Reports, 2018)


Donald Trump in the United States, Brexit vote in the U.K., various anti-EU parties in Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, and Hungary, as well as nativist or authoritarian leaders in Turkey, Russia, India, and China—Why has nationalism suddenly returned with a vengeance to the political front stage? Are we headed back to the type of conflicts between nations that led to two world wars and a Great Depression in the early to mid-20th Century? What are nationalists so angry about concerning free trade and immigration? Why has globalization suddenly become a dirty word for many people? In his new book, The Nationalist Revival: Trade, Immigration, and the Revolt Against Globalization (Columbia Global Reports, 2018), author, Talking-Points Memo editor-at-large, and commentator John B. Judis, explores in his usual expert fashion these intricate and complex issues. Based on his own travels in America, Europe, and Asia, Judis found that almost all people hold some degree of nationalist sentiments. That per contra to the usual liberal, bien-pensant nostrums, in fact nationalism can be the basis of vibrant democracies as well as repressive dictatorships. Today’s outbreak of "us vs. them" nationalism is a plausible reaction to the utopian cosmopolitanism, which advocates open borders, free trade, rampant outsourcing, and has branded unfairly nationalist sentiments as bigotry. As he did for populism in The Populist Explosion, Judis looks at nationalism from its modern origins in the 18th and 19th centuries to the present to help try to find answers to these very important questions.

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Charles Coutinho

Charles Coutinho, PH. D., Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, received his doctorate from New York University. His area of specialization is 19th and 20th-century European, American diplomatic and political history. He has written for Chatham House’s International Affairs, the Institute of Historical Research's Reviews in History and the University of Rouen's online periodical Cercles.

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