Citizen Kane with a Mankiewicz


Is there a better way to celebrate episode 150 than to talk about Citizen Kane? There is: to do so with Nick Davis, grandson of its screenwriter, Herman Mankiewicz, and author of the spectacular Competing with Idiots: Herman and Joe Mankiewicz, A Dual Portrait. Mike and Dan held off on covering Citizen Kane, waiting for the right moment to tackle it--and that moment has arrived. Mike, Dan, and Nick talk about how Kane's reputation as The Greatest Film of All Time obscures the fact that it is a joy to watch from start to finish and created at just the right time in Hollywood history. As always, the guys talk about their favorite moments; listen to this episode to see if yours are the same as theirs. (Hint: none of them chose "Rosebud.")

Thanks again to Nick Davis for joining us! You can get Competing with Idiots: Herman and Joe Mankiewicz, A Dual Portrait wherever books are sold.

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Fifteen Minute Film Fanatics

Two friends with strong opinions watch films separately then discuss them on the show for the first time. Can their friendship survive? Join Mike and Dan as they discuss one film each episode--and in only fifteen minutes, give or take a few. There are no long pauses, pontifications, or politics--just two guys who want to share their enthusiasm for great movies. On Twitter. On Letterboxd. Email:

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