Biblical Studies

Biblical Studies


Interviews with scholars of the Bible about their new books.

Jeremiah Coogan, "Eusebius the Evangelist: Rewriting the Fourfold Gospel in Late Antiquity" (Oxford UP, 2023)

July 18, 2024

Eusebius the Evangelist

Jeremiah Coogan
Hosted by Rob Heaton

The development of Christian scriptures did not terminate once, for example, following Irenaeus and other influential patristic figures, the four gosp…

Yaakov Beasley, "Joel, Obadiah, and Micah: Facing the Storm" (Maggid, 2024)

July 17, 2024

Joel, Obadiah, and Micah

Yaakov Beasley
Hosted by Michael Morales

Joel, Obadiah, and Micah all prophesied not after a calamity struck but right before a potential crisis or during the crisis itself. Facing immanent …

Yosefa Raz, "The Poetics of Prophecy: Modern Afterlives of a Biblical Tradition" (Cambridge UP, 2023)

July 16, 2024

The Poetics of Prophecy

Yosefa Raz
Hosted by Rachel Adelman

Since the mid-1700s, poets and scholars have been deeply entangled in the project of reinventing prophecy. Moving between literary and biblical studie…

Robert E. Jones, "Priesthood, Cult, and Temple in the Aramaic Scrolls from Qumran: Analyzing a Pre-Hasmonean Jewish Literary Tradition" (Brill, 2023)

July 8, 2024

Priesthood, Cult, and Temple in the Aramaic Scrolls from Qumran

Robert E. Jones
Hosted by Ari Barbalat

The Hellenistic period was a pivotal moment in the history of the Jewish priesthood. The waning days of the Persian empire coincided with the continue…

Andrew S. Jacobs, "Gospel Thrillers: Conspiracy, Fiction, and the Vulnerable Bible" (Cambridge UP, 2023)

July 8, 2024

Gospel Thrillers

Andrew S. Jacobs
Hosted by Michael Motia

What if the original teachings of Jesus were different from the Bible's sanitized 'orthodox' version? What covert motivations might inspire those who …

Travis B. Williams et al., "The Dead Sea Scrolls in Ancient Media Culture" (Brill, 2023)

July 1, 2024

The Dead Sea Scrolls in Ancient Media Culture

Travis B. Williams, Chris Keith, and Loren Stuckenbruck
Hosted by Ari Barbalat

Media studies is an emerging discipline that is quickly making an impact within the wider field of biblical scholarship. The Dead Sea Scrolls in Ancie…

Jihye Lee, "A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews" (T&T Clark, 2021)

June 29, 2024

A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews

Jihye Lee

In contrast to scholarly belief that the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews envisions the transcendent, heavenly world as the eschatological inherit…

Jeremy Schipper, "Denmark Vesey's Bible: The Thwarted Revolt That Put Slavery and Scripture on Trial" (Princeton UP, 2022)

June 27, 2024

Denmark Vesey's Bible

Jeremy Schipper
Hosted by Meghan Cochran

In Denmark Vesey's Bible: The Thwarted Revolt that Put Slavery and Scripture on Trial (Princeton UP, 2022), Dr. Jeremy Schipper tells the story of a f…

Robert D. Heaton, "The Shepherd of Hermas As Scriptura Non Grata: From Popularity in Early Christianity to Exclusion from the New Testament Canon" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023)

June 16, 2024

The Shepherd of Hermas As Scriptura Non Grata

Robert D. Heaton

Composed within the first Christian century by a Roman named Hermas, the Shepherd remains a mysterious and underestimated book to scholars and laypeop…

Catherine Michael Chin, "Life: The Natural History of an Early Christian Universe" (U California Press, 2024)

June 9, 2024


Catherine Michael Chin
Hosted by Michael Motia

A vivid and intimate glimpse of ancient life under the sway of cosmic and spiritual forces that the modern world has forgotten. Life: The Natural His…

Joshua Paul Smith, "Luke Was Not a Christian: Reading the Third Gospel and Acts Within Judaism" (Brill, 2024)

June 8, 2024

Luke Was Not a Christian

Joshua Paul Smith
Hosted by Rob Heaton

One orthodoxy of critical biblical scholarship on the Third Gospel, attributed by later Christian tradition to a companion of Paul named Luke, holds t…

Thea Gomelauri, "The Lailashi Codex: The Crown of Georgian Jewry" (Taylor Institution Library, 2023)

June 1, 2024

The Lailashi Codex

Thea Gomelauri
Hosted by Meghan Cochran

From a remote mountain village in the Caucasian mountains of Georgia came the most surprising discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls: a rare, beautiful,…

Nathan Lovell, "The Book of Kings and Exilic Identity: 1 and 2 Kings as a Work of Political Historiography" (T&T Clark, 2022)

May 29, 2024

The Book of Kings and Exilic Identity

Nathan Lovell
Hosted by Michael Morales

Is the purpose of the Book of Kings merely to provide a reason for the exile, or is there a greater message of hope? Tune in as we speak with Nathan L…

Wally V. Cirafesi, "John Within Judaism: Religion, Ethnicity, and the Shaping of Jesus-Oriented Jewishness in the Fourth Gospel" (Brill, 2021)

May 21, 2024

John Within Judaism

Wally V. Cirafesi
Hosted by Michael Morales

While many have noted the general Jewishness of the Gospel of John, few have given it a seat at the ideologically crowded table of ancient Jewish pra…

Siân E. Grønlie, "The Old Testament in Medieval Icelandic Texts: Translation, Exegesis and Storytelling" (Boydell & Brewer, 2024)

May 13, 2024

The Old Testament in Medieval Icelandic Texts

Siân E. Grønlie
Hosted by Miranda Melcher

The historical narratives of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible have much in common with Icelandic saga literature: both are invested in origins and genea…

Jason F. Moraff, "Reading the Way, Paul, and 'the Jews' in Acts Within Judaism" (Bloomsbury, 2023)

May 8, 2024

Reading the Way, Paul, and "the Jews" in Acts Within Judaism

Jason F. Moraff
Hosted by Michael Morales

The book of Acts is often misunderstood as reflecting anti-Judaism or promoting supersessionism. Jason Moraff, however, argues that Acts binds the Way…

Markus Vinzent, "Resetting the Origins of Christianity: A New Theory of Sources and Beginnings" (Cambridge UP, 2022)

April 30, 2024

Resetting the Origins of Christianity

Markus Vinzent

How do we know what we know about the origins of the Christian religion? Neither its founder, nor the Apostles, nor Paul left any written accounts of …

Michael Boler, "Introduction to Classical and New Testament Greek: A Unified Approach" (Catholic U of America Press, 2019)

April 27, 2024

Introduction to Classical and New Testament Greek

Michael Boler
Hosted by Justin McGeary

The defining feature of this textbook is the treatment of classical and New Testament Greek as one language using primary sources. All the example sen…

James N. Neumann, "The Gospel of the Son of God: Psalm 2 and Mark's Narrative Christology" (T&T Clark, 2023)

April 20, 2024

The Gospel of the Son of God

James N. Neumann
Hosted by Michael Morales

What does it mean for the Gospel of Mark to portray Jesus as Son of God? Apparently far more than what past scholarship has recognized! James Neumann …

D. Clint Burnett, "Christ's Enthronement at God's Right Hand and Its Greco-Roman Cultural Context" (de Gruyter, 2020)

April 13, 2024

Christ's Enthronement at God's Right Hand and Its Greco-Roman Cultural Context

D. Clint Burnett
Hosted by Michael Morales

How did Psalm 110:1 become so widely used as a messianic prooftext in the New Testament and early Christianity? Part of the explanation may be related…