Self-Control Through Torah

Self-Control Through Torah


How can Torah help you improve your self-control? With the help of Menahem Mendel Lefin's Cheshbon haNefesh, an important 19th-century work on character refinement, we delve into the weekly Torah portion to seek wisdom on refining our traits and mastering our moods and emotions. Listen in as Modya Silver, a psychotherapist and author, and David Gottlieb, a scholar of Jewish history and a teacher of Jewish contemplative practice, uncover the ethical wisdom contained in each weekly reading.

Spiritual Separation in V'zot Habracha

October 17, 2024

Spiritual Separation in V'zot Habracha

David and Modya welcome Dr. Robert Barris to this episode. Robert is a NY-based psychiatrist, a deep thinker and a long-time student of Mussar who has…

"Separation" in Ha'azinu

October 3, 2024

"Separation" in Ha'azinu

This week, Modya and David explore Moses's final, poetic message to Israel (Ha'azinu, Deut. 32:1-32:52), through the lens of the trait of prishut, or …

"Separation" in Nitzavim-Vayelech

September 26, 2024

"Separation" in Nitzavim-Vayelech

In this week's episode, Modya and David explore the Double Torah portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech through the lens of the trait of Separation. Questions …

"Separateness" in Ki Tavo

September 19, 2024

"Separateness" in Ki Tavo

We begin our 13th and last middah (separateness - perishut) that we explore in conjunction with parsha Ki Tavo. David and Modya look at what separate …

"Truth" in Ki Teitzei

September 12, 2024

"Truth" in Ki Teitzei

This week, Modya and David are joined by Rabbi Chaim Safren to discuss parshat Ki Teitzei through the Mussar lens of Emet, or Truth. Their discussion …

The Idea of "Truth" in Re'eh

August 29, 2024

The Idea of "Truth" in Re'eh

In this week's episode, Modya and David discuss parshat Re'eh (Deut. 11:26-16:17) through the lens of Emet (Truth). Among other directives, Moses dire…

"Truth" in Eikev

August 22, 2024

"Truth" in Eikev

This week, Modya and David look at the weekly Torah portion through a new lens -- that of Truth. They explore whether there is absolute truth, and whe…

"Grace" and "Calmness" in Va'etchanan

August 15, 2024

"Grace" and "Calmness" in Va'etchanan

Modya and David are joined this week by Ruth Schapira (about whose work you can learn more at to look at the role of grace and calmn…

"Calmness" in Devarim

August 8, 2024

"Calmness" in Devarim

In this week's episode, Modya and David ponder the repetition that now unfolds in the Book of Deuteronomy (Devarim). As we read of Moses beginning to …

"Calmness" in Matot-Masei

August 1, 2024

"Calmness" in Matot-Masei

This week, Modya and David explore the double parsha that ends the book of Numbers (Bamidbar). They explore once again the role of calmness in speech …

"Calm" in Pinchas

July 25, 2024

"Calm" in Pinchas

In Pinchas (Num. 25:10-30:1), the Moses prepares the people for crossing over into the land. The preparations come on the heels of violence and plague…

The Middah of "Silence" in Balak

July 19, 2024

The Middah of "Silence" in Balak

In this week's episode, David and Modya speak with Rebecca Schliser, a core faculty member at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and rabbinical stu…

"Silence" in Chukat

July 11, 2024

"Silence" in Chukat

In this week's episode, Modya and David's method for exploring the Torah portion through the lens of a specific character trait lands them on Chukat (…

Silence in Korach

July 4, 2024

Silence in Korach

Korach (Num. 16:1-18:32), one of the most riveting and dramatic narratives in all of Torah, is, perhaps counterintuitively, fertile ground for a discu…

On "Silence" (Shtikah) in Shelakh

June 27, 2024

On "Silence" (Shtikah) in Shelakh

This week, Modya and David discuss parshat Shelakh (also known as Shelakh Lekha) in the Book of Numbers, using the lens of the attribute of Shtikah, o…

The Trait of "Diligence" in B'ha'alotkha

June 20, 2024

The Trait of "Diligence" in B'ha'alotkha

Today, Modya and David welcome Mindy Shapiro, a Philadelphia-based student and teacher of Mussar and an artist*, to discuss parshat B'ha'alotkha (Num.…

On "Diligence" (zerizut) in Naso

June 13, 2024

On "Diligence" (zerizut) in Naso

This week, Modya and David dive into parshat Naso (Num. 4:21-7:89), the longest portion in the entire Torah -- 70 verses of which are identical! This …

What is Your Mission?

June 6, 2024

What is Your Mission?

What sort of people do you surround yourself with? And what is your mission in life? How best to marshal all aspects of your personality, and your com…

On "Diligence" (zerizut) in Bechukotai

May 30, 2024

On "Diligence" (zerizut) in Bechukotai

On this week's episode, Modya and David switch lenses to the trait of Zerizut, or Diligence, and use that as a lens through which to explore parshat B…

The Trait of "Frugality" in Behar

May 23, 2024

The Trait of "Frugality" in Behar

This week David and Modya complete their investigation of frugality looking at the parsha of Behar. We see how the lens is widened to include not only…