Akwugo Emejulu, "Community Development as Micropolitics: Comparing Theories, Policies, and Politics in America and Britain" (Policy Press, 2015)


Akwugo Emejulu has written Community Development as Micropolitics: Comparing Theories, Policies, and Politics in America and Britain (Policy Press, 2015). Emejulu is a lecturer at the Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, and co-director of the Center for Education for Racial Equality. What is community development exactly? Emejulu's book integrates historical, theoretical, and comparative approaches to answering this difficult question. She describes several discourses, including: Democracy, Power, Poverty, Empowerment, and Populist, and maps how community development has changed in the United States and also in Britain. The book informs theoretical questions about how social movements use language to link leaders and followers and larger questions of participatory democracy.

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