Aaron Spencer Fogleman and Robert Hanserd, "Five Hundred African Voices: A Catalog of Published Accounts by Africans Enslaved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1586-1936" (APS, 2022)


The importance of published accounts by African slave ship survivors is well-known but not their existence in large numbers. Fogleman and Hanserd catalog nearly five hundred discrete accounts and more than 2,500 printings of them over four centuries in numerous Atlantic languages. Short biographies of each African, print histories of the complete or partial life story. Five Hundred African Voices: A Catalog of Published Accounts by Africans Enslaved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1586-1936 (American Philosophical Society, 2022) is an invaluable resource for scholars, teachers, students, and others wishing to study transatlantic slavery using African Voices.

Aaron Spencer Fogleman is professor of history at Northern Illinois University.

Robert Hanserd teaches African, Afro-Atlantic, and African-American history at Columbia College Chicago.

Caleb Zakarin is the Assistant Editor of the New Books Network.

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Caleb Zakarin

Caleb Zakarin is the Editor of the New Books Network.

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