Archive Your Podcast on the NBN

Do you have an academic podcast that you have stopped producing? Do you wonder what is going to happen to all your episodes? Would you like people to listen to them in the future?

The NBN is dedicated to creating a vast audio library of serious academic content. The NBN is a permanent resource, exactly like the physical libraries at universities and colleges throughout the world. Visitors to the NBN website use the NBN like a library. They look for episodes about whatever they are interested in. Then they listen to the episodes they find. Millions of people have listened to the episodes in the NBN archive. Hundreds of thousands listen to them every month.

If you have a podcast that you are no longer producing and would like us to make your episodes available in the NBN library, we'll do that for you. That way you can be sure that future generations of curious listeners will enjoy and benefit from your hard work. Archiving your episodes in the NBN library is surprisingly easy, and it won't cost you anything.

If you are interested making your episodes permanently available, contact Marshall Poe at

If you have an active academic podcast that you would like to be hosted and and archived on the NBN, please see "Partner with the NBN."