Building and Evaluating a Theory of Architectural Technical Debt in Software-intensive Systems


Listen to this interview of Roberto Verdecchia, Assistant Professor at the Software Technologies Laboratory, University of Florence, Italy. We talk about his coauthored paper Building and evaluating a theory of architectural technical debt in software-intensive systems (JSS 2021).

Roberto Verdecchia : "In results sections, I feel it's rather helpful if, when writing, you sort of find a systematicity in the presentation. So, if you look at our paper here, each subsection has the exact same structure, where we start by describing a category first in general — you know, giving an overview of the category — then we cross-reference to a figure, where the description becomes more fine-grained and the overview more low-level for that particular subsection, then finally we include each one of all the single categories, each with its own subheading in boldface."

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Daniel Shea

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