Ethel Tungohan, "Care Activism: Migrant Domestic Workers, Movement-Building, and Communities of Care" (U Illinois Press, 2023)


Care Activism: Migrant Domestic Workers, Movement-Building, and Communities of Care (U Illinois Press, 2023) challenges the stereotype of downtrodden migrant caregivers by showing that care workers have distinct ways of caring for themselves, for each other, and for the larger transnational community of care workers and their families. Ethel Tungohan illuminates how the goals and desires of migrant care worker activists goes beyond political considerations like policy changes and overturning power structures.

Dr. Tungohan is the Canada Research Chair in Canadian Migration Policy, Impacts and Activism, and Associate Professor of Politics at York University. She has also been appointed as a Broadbent Institute Fellow. Previously, she was the Grant Notley Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta’s Department of Political Science. She received her doctoral degree in Political Science and Women and Gender Studies from the University of Toronto. Her research looks at migrant labor, specifically assessing migrant activism. Dr. Tungohan specializes in socially engaged research and is actively involved in grassroots migrant organizations such as Gabriela-Ontario and Migrante-Canada.

Dr. Tungohan’s hosting a podcast channel, Academic Aunties. You can find her previous conversation with NBN host Dr. Christina Gessler here.

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Ailin Zhou

Ailin Zhou is a PhD student in Film and Digital Media at University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research interests include transnational socialist film and media, Chinese film history, Asian diasporic visual culture, contemporary art, and feminist and queer theories.
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