Ethnographic Marginalia


Interviews with ethnographers and scholars of ethnography.

Coastlines, Climate, and Comics: In Conversation with Dr. V. Chitra

November 5, 2023

Coastlines, Climate, and Comics: In conversation with Dr. V. Chitra

V. Chitra
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

How can we use comics to present ethnographic research in new and unique ways? In this episode, we talk with Dr. V. Chitra about the fieldwork and com…

Angie Lederach, "Feel the Grass Grow: Ecologies of Slow Peace in Colombia" (Stanford UP, 2023)

October 6, 2023

Feel the Grass Grow

Angie Lederach

What can collaborative research with Colombian campesino leaders teach us about building peace? In this episode, I talk with Angie Lederach, author of…

Marcos E. Pérez, "Proletarian Lives: Routines, Identity, and Culture in Contentious Politics" (Cambridge UP, 2022)

May 31, 2022

Proletarian Lives

Marcos E. Pérez

What drives and sustains participation in unemployed workers’ movements in Argentina? Today’s guest, Marcos Perez, is Assistant Professor in the Depar…

Studying Borderlands: Talking Ethnography with Dr. Sahana Ghosh

May 10, 2022

Studying Borderlands

Sahana Ghosh
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

How do border policing and violence intersect with gender and sexuality to affect border communities? Today’s guest, Dr. Sahana Ghosh, Assistant Profe…

Jason De Leon, "The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail" (U California Press, 2015)

March 22, 2022

The Land of Open Graves

Jason De Leon

How can you integrate archaeology and photography with ethnographic research to understand the experiences of clandestine migrants? Today we talk with…

Ethnography in Rural Indonesia: In Conversation with Tania Li

January 14, 2022

Ethnography in Rural Indonesia

Tania Murray Li

What can years of ethnographic engagement with rural Indonesia teach us about capitalism, development, and resistance? On this episode of Ethnographic…

An Ethnography of Tourism and Globalization: In Conversation with Dr. Annie Hikido

November 29, 2021

An Ethnography of Tourism and Globalization

Annie Hikido

How do Black women entrepreneurs in South Africa play off westerners’ fear and desire for impoverished townships through home-based tourist accommodat…

Doing an Ethnography of Policing: In Conversation with Sarah Brayne

November 4, 2021

Doing an Ethnography of Policing

Sarah Brayne
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

How has the use of big data and algorithms changed policing and police surveillance? On this episode, we speak with Dr. Sarah Brayne, Assistant Profes…

Violence, Gender, and Policing in Colombia: In Conversation with Dr. Jon Gordon

July 16, 2021

Violence, Gender, and Policing in Colombia

Jon Gordon
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

In today’s interview, we speak with Dr. Jon Gordon, incoming Assistant Professor of Sociology at Appalachian State University, who tells us about his …

Talking Digital Ethnography and Netnography: In Conversation with Marta-Marika Urbanik

June 28, 2021

Talking Digital Ethnography and Netnography

Marta-Marika Urbanik

As our research subjects increasingly live their social lives on and through virtual platforms, how can ethnographers incorporate digital methods into…

Talking Ethnographic Fiction with Alexandros Plasatis

June 10, 2021

Talking Ethnographic Fiction

Alexandros Plasatis

What does ethnography look like when presented as fiction? In this episode, we talk with Alexandros Plasatis, author of the new book Made by Sea and W…

The Ethnography of Immigration: In Conversation with Dr. Tahseen Shams

April 23, 2021

The Ethnography of Immigration

Tahseen Shams

How are immigrants’ lives shaped by cultural and political dynamics in their homeland, hostland, and “elsewhere” countries whose geopolitical dynamics…

Lisa Björkman, "Waiting Town: Life in Transit and Mumbai's Other World-Class Histories" (Association for Asian Studies, 2020)

April 13, 2021

Waiting Town

Lisa Björkman
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

Drawing on a decade of ethnographic research in the Indian city of Mumbai, Waiting Town: Life in Transit and Mumbai's Other World-Class Histories (Ass…

New Ethnographies of the Global South: In Conversation with Victoria Reyes and Marco Garrido

April 8, 2021

New Ethnographies of the Global South

Victoria Reyes and Marco Garrido
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

How can Sociology be nudged away from its traditional parochialism to embrace empirical work that focuses on the global south? Marco Garrido (assistan…

Police Reform in Argentina: A Discussion with Leslie MacColman

March 17, 2021

Police Reform in Argentina

Leslie MacColman

This episode of Ethnographic Marginalia features Dr. Leslie MacColman, a Postdoctoral Scholar in Sociology at The Ohio State University who studies cr…

Deborah A. Thomas, "Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witnessing, Repair" (Duke UP, 2019)

February 26, 2021

Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation

Deborah A. Thomas
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

How can ethnographers use multimedia presentations of their work to reach new audiences, build different relationships with their participants, and pr…

Eli Revelle Yano Wilson, "Front of the House, Back of the House: Race and Inequality in the Lives of Restaurant Workers" (NYU Press, 2020)

February 12, 2021

Front of the House, Back of the House

Eli Revelle Yano Wilson

How can ethnographic research shine light on the reproduction of social inequality in upscale Los Angeles restaurants? In today’s episode we talk with…

David Trouille, "Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties" (U Chicago Press, 2021)

February 1, 2021

Fútbol in the Park

David Trouille
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

What meaning does a daily soccer game in a public Los Angeles park have for a group of Latino men and the ethnographer who studied them? In today’s ep…

Studying LBGT Organizing in China: A Conversation with Caterina Fugazzola

January 18, 2021

Studying LBGT Organizing in China

Caterina Fugazzola
Hosted by Sneha Annavarapu

In today’s episode of Ethnographic Marginalia, Sneha Annavarapu talks with Dr. Caterina Fugazzola, Earl S Johnson Instructor in Sociology at the Unive…

Doing Ethnography in Buenos Aires: A Discussion with Javier Auyero

January 4, 2021

Doing Ethnography in Buenos Aires

Javier Auyero

Today we speak with Javier Auyero, Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, about his 25 years of experience studying marginalized…