Horace D. Hummel, "Ezekiel 21-48: Concordia Commentary" (Concordia, 2007)


Volume 2 of the commentary on Ezekiel, by the late Horace Hummel, covers chapters 21 through 48, where after the prophesied judgment of nations, the Lord grants Ezekiel a wondrous vision of a new temple-city called "The Lord is There."

Join us as we speak with the editor of the Concordia Commentary series, Christopher Mitchell, about the second volume of the commentary on Ezekiel, Ezekiel 21-48 (Concordia, 2007), by the late Horace D. Hummel.

Rev. Dr. Horace D. Hummel served as Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, for over twenty years.

Michael Morales is Professor of Biblical Studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and the author of The Tabernacle Pre-Figured: Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus(Peeters, 2012), Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of Leviticus(IVP Academic, 2015), and Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption (IVP Academic, 2020). He can be reached at mmorales@gpts.edu.

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Michael Morales

Michael Morales is Professor of Biblical Studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and the author of The Tabernacle Pre-Figured: Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus (Peeters, 2012), Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of Leviticus (IVP Academic, 2015), and Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption (IVP Academic, 2020). He can be reached at mmorales@gpts.edu

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