Gender Bias in the Study of Science


Welcome to The Academic Life. You are smart and capable, but you aren’t an island, and neither are we. So we reached across our mentor network to bring you podcasts on everything from how to finish that project, to how to take care of your beautiful mind. Wish we’d bring in an expert about something? Find us on Twitter: The Academic Life @AcademicLifeNBN.

In this episode you’ll hear: studying the brain, women in STEM, your inner limiter, gender bias in the scientific method, and a discussion of the book Gender and The Brain.

Our guest is: Gina Rippon, author of Gender and Your Brain. She is a British neuroscientist, feminist, and an honorary professor of cognitive neuroimaging at the Aston Brain Centre, Aston University in Birmingham, England. In 2015 she was made honorary fellow of the British Science Association. Rippon has also sat on the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychophysiology, and is a member of the European Union Gender Equality Network, belongs to WISE and ScienceGrrl, and the Inspiring the Future initiative.

Your host is: Dr. Christina Gessler, a historian of women, gender, and sexuality. She specializes in decoding diaries written by rural women in the 19th century. She seeks the extraordinary in the ordinary, writes poems about small relatable moments, and takes many photos in nature.

Listeners to this episode might be interested in:

  • Blakemore, S.J. Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain.
  • Hines, M. Brain Gender.
  • Jarrett, C. Great Myths of the Brain.
  • Joel, D. and Vikhanski, L. Gender Mosaic: Beyond the Myth of the Female Brain.
  • Matthew D. Lieberman. Social: Why Our Brain are Wired to Connect.
  • Mitchell, K.J. Innate: How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are.
  • Rippon, G 2019. TedX talk: A Gendered World Makes a Gendered Brain:
  • Schiebinger, L. The Mind Has No Sex?: Women in the Origins of Modern Science.

Your Host

Christina Gessler

Dr. Christina Gessler is the creator, show host, and producer of the Academic Life podcast. She holds a PhD in U.S. history.
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