Sarah Fawn Montgomery, "Halfway from Home: Essays" (Split/Lip Press, 2022)


Today I interview Sarah Fawn Montgomery about her new collection of essays, Halfway from Home (Split Lip Press, 2022). These essays explore, in nuanced and beautiful prose, Montgomery’s journey to find a place—or perhaps a place of mind—she might call home. We follow Montgomery from childhood to adulthood, from California, to the Midwest, to the East Coast. This is a journey that asks what it means to grow into wisdom and to love this burning earth which, in one way or another, is where we all must find ourselves a home. Halfway from Home is a book for any of us who have ever struggled to belong and who very much want to.

Eric LeMay is on the creative writing faculty at Ohio University. He is the author of five books, most recently Remember Me. He can be reached at

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Eric LeMay

Eric LeMay is on the creative writing faculty at Ohio University. He is the author of five books, most recently Remember Me. He can be reached at

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