Jennifer Hart, "Ghana on the Go: African Mobility in the Age of Motor Transportation" (Indiana UP, 2016)


Our guest today was Dr. Jennifer Hart who talked to us about her recently published book Ghana on the Go: African Mobility in the Age of Motor Transportation (Indiana University Press, 2016). In this book, Dr. Hart traces the history of automotive transportation in Ghana from the introduction of the first motor vehicles during the early colonial period through the beginnings of the twenty-first century. Ghana on the Go focuses on the emergence and growth of commercial transportation which became the most prevalent way for Ghanaians to experience automotive mobility. Dr. Hart centers her narrative in the personal stories of drivers and passengers to examine how automotive mobility allowed for social and economic mobility building from an existing entrepreneurial culture. She threads these stories with a larger history of political contestation, economic development and state regulation to examine the long-term impact of automotive technology in the evolution of Ghanaian state, society and culture. Dr. Jennifer Hart is an Associate Professor in the History Department at Wayne State University. Her research interests include African history and Urban History.
Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia is Associate Professor of History at Montclair State University. She specializes in modern intellectual history of Africa, historiography, World history and Philosophy of History. She is the co-author of African Histories: New Sources and New Techniques for Studying African Pasts (Pearson, 2011).

Your Host

Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia

Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia is an associate professor of history at Montclair State University.

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