Jon Ward, "Camelot’s End: Kennedy vs. Carter and the Fight That Broke the Democratic Party" (Twelve, 2019)


Yahoo! News Senior Political Correspondent Jon Ward delves into to the oft-forgotten yet starkly dramatic 1980 Democratic presidential primary between President Jimmy Carter and Senator Ted Kennedy in Camelot’s End: Kennedy vs. Carter and the Fight That Broke the Democratic Party (Twelve, 2019). Ward tracks the political origins of the southern moderate outsider and the northern liberal insider, and paints two complex and nuanced portraits. He explains how Carter had long eyed Kennedy as an obstacle to the presidency and how Kennedy eventually grew to view Carter as an obstacle to his policy agenda. The two deeply ambitious politicians would eventually clash on the biggest political stages and break apart the already weakening north-south coalition that had fueled Democratic Party dominance for decades.
Bill Scher is a Contributing Editor for POLITICO Magazine. He has provided political commentary on CNN, NPR and MSNBC. He has been published in The New York Times, The New Republic, and The New York Daily News among other publications. He is author of Wait! Don’t Move to Canada, published by Rodale in 2006.

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Bill Scher

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