Lena Wetenkamp, "Europe Narrated, Contextualized and Remembered" (Koenigshausen and Neumann, 2017)


Lena Wetenkamp's Europe Narrated, Contextualized and Remembered: The Discourse of 'Europe' in Contemporary German Literature (Europa erzhalt, verortet, erinnert: Europa-Diskurse in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (Koenigshausen and Neumann, 2017)) is an analysis of the idea of "Europe" in modern German literature. It not only deals with important issues such as spaces, borders, multilingualism and European identity, but also states that there is in fact something like a European poetic. Based on a division into two major parts, this study looks on the one side at essays and pamphlets and on the other side at contemporary German literature from Terezia Mora and Ilma Rakusa. In this way, the book convincingly achieves new literary perspectives on current European questions.

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