Linda Hopkins and Steven Kuchuck, eds., "Diary of a Fallen Psychoanalyst: The Work Books of Masud Khan 1967-1972" (Karnac, 2022)


Masud Khan (1924-1989), was an eminent and, ultimately, scandalous British psychoanalyst who trained and practised in London during an important period in the development of psychoanalysis. From August 1967 to March 1980, he wrote his 39 volume Work Books, a diary containing observations and reflections on his own life, the world of psychoanalysis, his evolving theoretical formulations, Western culture, and the turbulent social and political developments of the time.

In Diary of a Fallen Psychoanalyst: The Work Books of Masud Khan 1967-1972 (Karnac, 2022), readers will find fascinating entries on Khan's colleague and mentor Donald Winnicott and other well-known analysts of the period, including Anna Freud. Also featuring in these pages are leaders in the world of culture and the arts such as Julie Andrews, the Redgraves and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Dr Linda Hopkins trained in mental health and became a licensed clinical psychologist and then she underwent Psychoanalytic training. Her book on Masud Khan, the False Self that appeared in 2006 has been widely read and appreciated. She has received the prestigious Goethe Award and the famous Gradiva award.

Dr Steven Kuchuck is a psychoanalyst based in New York and is an expert on Relational Psychoanalysis. His background is both distinctively academic and clinically rigorous. He has taught extensively across the world and in particular at the doctoral program at New York University. He has written several books and was also the president of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis. One of his extremely well known books is titled the Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis.

In this interview Linda and Steven, talk about their collaborative effort in putting together this book, which contains a section of Khan´s workbooks from 1967-1972. We talk about the difficulties in putting this volume together and we also go into Khan´s life and his mind, the climate that he created and the cross-cultural nature of his identity. Masud Khan´s workbooks are set to find a space in an archive at the Freud Museum London.

Ashis Roy (Ph.D) is a Psychoanalyst (IPA) and the author of Intimacy in Alienation: A Psychoanalytic Study of Hindu-Muslim Relationships

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Ashis Roy

Ashis Roy is a psychoanalyst practicing in Delhi.

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