S4E2 Lost in Ideology: A Conversation with Jason Blakely


What exactly is political ideology? Are we all trapped within our own ideological bubbles, and if so, how do we break free? How do religious beliefs intertwine with our ideological practices? And perhaps most importantly, how can we bridge the gap with those who don’t share our ideological language? These are just some of the challenging and thought-provoking questions we'll tackle in our upcoming philosophical conversation.

Get ready to dive deep with Jason Blakely, a professor of political science at Pepperdine University and a leading scholar in political theory and the philosophy of social science. Blakely's work critically examines the ideological frameworks that shape our contemporary political and cultural landscapes. In his groundbreaking book Lost in Ideology: Interpreting Modern Political Life (Agenda Publishing, 2023), he unravels the pervasive grip of ideological thinking in modern society, revealing how these rigid frameworks distort our understanding of the world and lead to social and political dysfunction.

In this episode, we delve into Blakely's compelling insights on how individuals and societies can become "lost" in ideology, losing sight of the complex realities that exist beyond these rigid beliefs. Our conversation will uncover practical strategies for breaking free from these ideological confines, promoting a more open and nuanced approach to the challenges of our time. Join us as we explore the dangers of ideological thinking and discover pathways back to a more balanced, reflective perspective.

Discover more about Jason Blakely’s newly published book, Lost in Ideology, and get ready for a thought-provoking discussion that will challenge your understanding of the world around you.

Throughout our conversation, we'll draw on the ideas and insights of various influential texts and thinkers, making for a refreshing and enriching experience.

We draw parallels and references to the following texts and thinkers in our refreshing conversation:

Madison’s Notes is the podcast of Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

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Laura Laurent

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