Theodore D. Segal, "Point of Reckoning: The Fight for Racial Justice" (Duke UP, 2021)


Duke University officially integrated its student body in the early 1960s, but the University itself did little to make students of color feel as though Duke was their academic home. During this decade, black students organized, agitated, protested, and finally took the bold step of occupying the University's main administrative building for one harrowing day, all in an effort to bring equality and rights to this historically white university campus. 

In his deeply researched book, Point of Reckoning: The Fight for Racial Justice (Duke University Press, 2021), Theodore D. Segal tells the story of the students, administrators, and activists who forced Duke to acknowledge and address its segregation and disparity.

Lane Davis is a doctoral candidate in the Graduate Program in Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University where he studies American religious history. Find him on Twitter @TheeLaneDavis

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Lane Davis

Lane Davis is Assistant Professor of Religion at Huntingdon College.

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