Reading, Writing, Research: A Discussion with Cybersecurity Scholar Mathias Payer


Listen to this interview of Mathias Payer, a security researcher and associate professor at the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Science, leading the HexHive group. We talk about research as a social activity — No researcher can go it alone!

Mathias Payer: "Reading and writing are integral parts to the research process. I would even say that there's a split one-third, one-third, one-third: for one-third, you're doing research; for the next third, you're reading about research; and for the final third, you're writing about your research. So you should split this up equally, and I say the same to my students. They should be reading several papers each week, for example."

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Daniel Shea

I am committed to helping scientists write at their best. To this end, I founded the Graduate Communication Services, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Here I work in the unique role of textician. Want to know more? Contact me at
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