Tamara McClintock Greenberg, "Treating Complex Trauma: Combined Theories and Methods" (Springer, 2020)


Relationship problems, struggles with substance abuse, poor memory, and difficulties with emotions are typical symptoms of complex trauma—yet many traumatized individuals have no idea their symptoms share a common cause. Research shows that treating one’s underlying traumatic experiences can yield immense relief from such symptoms and liberate individuals to live freer, more satisfying lives. This has been the focus of Dr. Tamara McClintock Greenberg’s work for 30 years, as she documents in her new book, Treating Complex Trauma: Combined Theories and Methods (2020, Springer). In our interview, we tackle such topics as the distinction between trauma and complex trauma, how to treat it, and the intersection of trauma with race and culture. This episode is for anyone who struggles with symptoms and difficulties that elude explanation or those who know someone who does.

Tamara McClintock Greenberg, Psy.D., M.S., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Francisco, CA, where she specializes in treating adults with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, trauma, and those who are coping with medical illness, either as a patient or affected family member. Her prior books include The Psychological Impact of Acute and Chronic Illness (2007, Springer-Verlag) and Psychodynamic Perspectives on Aging and Illness (2016, Springer International).

Eugenio Duarte, Ph.D. is a psychologist and psychoanalyst practicing in Miami. He treats individuals and couples, with specialties in gender and sexuality, eating and body image problems, and relationship issues. He is a graduate and faculty of William Alanson White Institute in Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology in New York City and former chair of their LGBTQ Study Group; and faculty at Florida Psychoanalytic Institute in Miami. He is also a contributing author to the book Introduction to Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Defining Terms and Building Bridges (2018, Routledge).

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Eugenio Duarte

Eugenio Duarte, Ph.D. is a psychologist and psychoanalyst practicing in Miami.

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