Welcome to Season 2: Meet Annika Nordquist


Who is the new host of Madison's Notes? Season 1 host Nino Scalia interviews the host of Season 2, Annika Nordquist. They chat about her interests, background, and the thinkers who have influenced her most.

During the episode, Annika notes the following books as particularly influential on her thought:

  1. C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces
  2. Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy
  3. G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man
  4. Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae
  5. Rene Girard, Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
  6. Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future
  7. Christopher Lasch, Revolt of the Elites

Madison’s Notes is the podcast of Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

Your Host

Annika Nordquist

Annika Nordquist is the Communications Coordinator of Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions and host of the Program’s podcast, Madison’s Notes. She graduated from Stanford University in 2021, where she studied Classics and Linguistics. She was also Editor-in-Chief of the Stanford Review and a member of the varsity fencing team. Previously, she was a Research Assistant in Education Policy at the American Enterprise Institute.

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