A Chat with Children's Lit Agent Debbie Bibo


Born in Los Angeles to a Japanese mom and American Jewish dad, Debbie Bibo grew up in a sleepy suburb of Northern California. After earning a degree in Political Science at the University of California in San Diego, and working at a language school in San Francisco, she moved to Italy to teach English in 1992. After twelve years of publishing and two years of project management for a design studio, she founded the Debbie Bibo Agency in 2011. The agency represents leading children's books illustrators and authors, and has sold titles to publishers in numerous countries. In our interview we talk about her career and vision in selecting those selected books and illustrators which she is excited to represent.

Mel Rosenberg is a professor emeritus of microbiology (Tel Aviv University, emeritus) who fell in love with children's books as a small child and now writes his own. He is co-founder of Ourboox, a web platform with some 240,000 ebooks that allows anyone to create and share flipbooks comprising text, pictures and videos.

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Mel Rosenberg

Mel Rosenberg is a scientist who fell in love with children's books as a small child in Ottawa and now writes his own. He is co-founder of Ourboox, a web platform with over 300,000 ebooks that

Mel is represented by the Liza Royce Agency.
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