Antonio Gasparetto Júnior, "Atmósfera de plomo: las declaraciones de estado de sitio en la Primera República Brasileña" (Tirant lo Blanch, 2019)


In this book, Antonio Gasparetto studies in detail the legal history of the state of exception during the First Republic in Brazil (1889-1930). 

Atmósfera de plomo: las declaraciones de estado de sitio en la Primera República Brasileña (Tirant lo Blanch, 2019) explores the origins as well as the transnational use of the term in international legislation in order to understand the particularities of the Brazilian case. 

Gasparetto studies the use of the state of exception, a measure originally created to defend countries from external threats, but which was eventually used to repress opposition to government measures. The state of exception gradually became a tool for state repression, which in Brazil resulted in the death of about 15,000 people, as well as the exile of many others.

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Pamela Fuentes

Pamela Fuentes historian and editor of New Books Network en español Communications officer- Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto


Pamela Fuentes historiadora y editora de New Books Network en español - Directora de Comunicaciones del Instituto para la Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de la Universidad de Toronto

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