Expand Research Publication: Give Voice to the Practitioners Who Need the Research to Be Done


Listen to this interview of Marcos Kalinowski, Professor, Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and also, of Daniel Mendez, Full Professor, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and head of Requirements Engineering at fortiss, Germany. We talk about starting a new track at a prestigious journal, with all the challenges and triumphs such a venture brings.

Daniel Mendez : "The reviewing and publishing of research is also a social process. And I know that Marcos and me edit looking for reasons to accept, instead of to reject a submission. And we are privileged to work with reviewers who share our approach to research publishing."

Your Host

Daniel Shea

I help researchers publish with impact. To this end, I am pioneering an approach to publication that I call Linguistic Editing. Want to know more? Contact me at shea@kit.edu
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