Guide the Reader toward Your Way of Thinking


Listen to this interview of Istvan David, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Department of Computing and Software, Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University, Canada; and, Houari Sahraoui, Full Professor, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal, Canada. We talk about their coauthored paper "Digital Twins for Cyber-Biophysical Systems: Challenges and Lessons Learned" (MODELS 2023).

Istvan David : "Making Figure 1, and also all of the text that depends on it——this was one of the hardest parts about writing this paper. I remember, in the very first draft, we had another layer there of abstraction, but we saw that the content was really hard to follow that way. So, for me personally, my takeaway from that process was: Though it made sense to us back then to follow our case-based generalization approach, this just wasn't going to work for a reader who hadn't gone down that exact same research path as us. So, really, you have to mindful of your reader like that."​

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Daniel Shea

I am committed to helping scientists write at their best. To this end, I founded the Graduate Communication Services, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Here I work in the unique role of textician. Want to know more? Contact me at
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