Methodology of Systematic Literature Studies in Software Engineering


Listen to this interview of Marcos Kalinowski, Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We talk about his coauthored papers; When to update systematic literature reviews in software engineering (JSS 2020); Guidelines for the search strategy to update systematic literature reviews in software engineering (IST 2020); and Successful combination of database search and snowballing for identification of primary studies in systematic literature studies (IST 2022).

Marcos Kalinowski : "Genuine collaborations, ones which actually come out the context of ideas — even by coincidence and just because the work shared a common ground — this is the sort of thing that keeps me motivated. I consider scientific research to be level upon level of collaboration, so really the opposite to a view which might see the research as competition. Because I have experienced in my career, and certainly in all the work on these three papers — that we do more impactful work by sharing ideas and collaborating."

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Daniel Shea

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