About Joshua Mullenite

I'm an interdisciplinary social scientist with research and teaching experience across anthropology, human geography, and environmental studies. I'm currently an assistant professor and the director of the sustainability program at Chatham University. I was previously an assistant professor and the director of environmental studies at Wagner College. My current research is on urban subsistence practices, particularly subsistence fishing, and the cultural, political, and economic origins and implications of these activities in a time of seemingly continuing and accelerating crises.

NBN Episodes hosted by Joshua:

Daniel Jaffee, "Unbottled: The Fight Against Plastic Water and for Water Justice" (U California Press, 2023)

September 17, 2023


Daniel Jaffee
Hosted by Joshua Mullenite

In just four decades, bottled water has transformed from a luxury niche item into a ubiquitous consumer product, representing a $300 billion market do…