About Shatakshi Singh

I am 2nd year Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science at University of California, Santa Cruz. I am an international student in the USA, and hail from India and my thesis work sits at the intersection of law and society. While my topical concert is that study urban poverty in India, focussing primarily on slums and resettlement politics in Tier 1 cities in India, the specific question I look at is how and why do the marginalized population employ law to claim rights and material services? What enables and restricts the urban poor's access to court and how can we make courts more accessible to the marginalized in India.

Shatakshi Singh is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of California Santa Cruz. Her research focuses on legal mobilization and claim-making within the context of dispossession and evictions of urban slums in India. Twitter. Email: ssing176@ucsc.edu.

Shatakshi's website

NBN Episodes hosted by Shatakshi:

Mayur R. Suresh, "Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts" (Fordham UP, 2022)

July 30, 2023

Terror Trials

Mayur R. Suresh
Hosted by Shatakshi Singh

In Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts (Fordham UP, 2022), Mayur Suresh shows how legal procedures and technicalities become the modes throu…