About Robin Steiner

I am a political and economic anthropologist whose research has primarily focused on cultural economy, globalization, development, work, and citizenship in the Arab Gulf, and specifically Oman. I received my doctorate in sociocultural anthropology from the University of Arizona in January 2018 and I am currently an adjunct faculty member at the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies at Florida International University in Miami, FL. Additionally, my research and teaching interests also include religion and secularism; Islam; sensory perception; phenomenology; social memory; branding; business anthropology; and neoliberalism.

NBN Episodes hosted by Robin:

Daniel Scott Souleles et al., "People before Markets: An Alternative Casebook" (Cambridge UP, 2022)

June 16, 2024

People before Markets

Daniel Scott Souleles, Johan Gersel, and Morten Sørensen Thaning
Hosted by Robin Steiner

People before Markets:: An Alternative Casebook (Cambridge UP, 2022) presents twenty comparative case studies of important global questions, such as '…

Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman, "Capitalism and the Senses" (U Pennsylvania Press, 2023)

December 11, 2023

Capitalism and the Senses

Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman
Hosted by Robin Steiner

Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman's Capitalism and the Senses (U Pennsylvania Press, 2023) is the first edited volume to explore how the forces o…

Xenia A. Cherkaev, "Gleaning for Communism: The Soviet Socialist Household in Theory and Practice" (Cornell UP, 2023)

August 10, 2023

Gleaning for Communism

Xenia A. Cherkaev
Hosted by Robin Steiner

Gleaning for Communism: The Soviet Socialist Household in Theory and Practice (Cornell UP, 2023) is a historical ethnography of the property regime up…