About Ben Goldfarb

NBN Episodes hosted by Ben:

Douglas M. Thompson, "The Quest for the Golden Trout: Environmental Loss and America's Iconic Fish" (UP of New England, 2013)

June 17, 2014

The Quest for the Golden Trout

Douglas M. Thompson
Hosted by Ben Goldfarb

Earlier this spring, I drove to a small beaver pond near my home in Colorado, snapped together my fishing rod, and cast a silver lure into the pond's …

John Waldman, "Running Silver: Restoring Atlantic Rivers and Their Great Fish Migrations" (Lyons Press, 2013)

January 16, 2014

Running Silver

John Waldman
Hosted by Ben Goldfarb

When it comes to understanding why our planet's biodiversity is declining so precipitously, no phrase has as much explanatory power as "shifting basel…