About Donovan McMaster

NBN Episodes hosted by Donovan:

Winston Black, "The Middle Ages: Facts and Fictions" (ABC-CLIO, 2019)

December 10, 2019

The Middle Ages

Winston E. Black
Hosted by Donovan McMaster

Winston Black's new book The Middle Ages: Facts and Fictions (ABC-CLIO, 2019) guides readers through 10 pervasive fictions about medieval hi…

Stephen Le, "100 Million Years of Food: What Our Ancestors Ate and Why It Matters Today" (Picador, 2016)

December 3, 2019

100 Million Years of Food

Stephen Le
Hosted by Donovan McMaster

There are few areas of modern life that are burdened by as much information and advice, often contradictory, as our diet and health: eat a lot of meat…

Richard F. Thomas, "Why Bob Dylan Matters" (Dey Street, 2017)

November 26, 2019

Why Bob Dylan Matters

Richard F. Thomas
Hosted by Donovan McMaster

When the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan in 2016, a debate raged. Some celebrated, while many others questioned the choice. How co…