About Katherine Hermes

NBN Episodes hosted by Katherine:

Doron S. Ben-Atar and Richard D. Brown, "Taming Lust: Crimes Against Nature in the Early Republic" (U Pennsylvania Press, 2014)

June 28, 2014

Taming Lust

Doron S. Ben-Atar and Richard D. Brown
Hosted by Katherine Hermes

Bestiality is more often the subject of jokes than legal cases nowadays, and so it was in late eighteenth-century western New England, when, strangely…

Cornelia H. Dayton and Sharon V. Salinger, "Robert Love's Warnings" (U Pennsylvania Press, 2014)

May 21, 2014

Robert Love's Warnings

Cornelia H. Dayton and Sharon V. Salinger
Hosted by Katherine Hermes

In early America, the practice of "warning out" was unique to New England, a way for the community to regulate those who might fall into poverty and n…

Arica L. Coleman, "That the Blood Stay Pure" (Indiana UP, 2014)

March 18, 2014

That the Blood Stay Pure

Arica L. Coleman
Hosted by Katherine Hermes

Arica Coleman did not start out to write a legal history of "the one-drop rule," but as she began exploring the relationship between African American …