About Joseph Fridman

NBN Episodes hosted by Joseph:

David Badre, "On Task: How Our Brain Gets Things Done" (Princeton UP, 2020)

July 21, 2024

On Task

David Badre
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

On Task: How Our Brain Gets Things Done (Princeton UP, 2020) is a look at the extraordinary ways the brain turns thoughts into actions—and how this sh…

Tiago Forte, "Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential" (Atria Books, 2022)

April 9, 2023

Building a Second Brain

Tiago Forte
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

Today I talked to Tiago Forte about his new book Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Poten…

Venkatesh Rao, "The Art of Gig" (Ribbonfarm, 2022)

February 5, 2023

The Art of Gig

Venkatesh Rao
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

Venkatesh Rao is a writer and consultant based in Los Angeles. The bulk of his consulting practice comprises 1:1 work with senior executives as a conv…

Erik Hoel, "The Revelations" (Overlook Press, 2021)

August 3, 2021

The Revelations

Erik Hoel
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

An edgy and ambitious debut by a powerful new voice in contemporary literary fiction Monday, Kierk wakes up. Once a rising star in neuroscience, Kierk …

Iris Berent, "The Blind Storyteller: How We Reason about Human Nature" (Oxford UP, 2020)

August 2, 2021

The Blind Storyteller

Iris Berent
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

Do newborns think-do they know that 'three' is greater than 'two'? Do they prefer 'right' to 'wrong'? What about emotions--do newborns recognize happi…

Ann-Sophie Barwich, "Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind" (Harvard UP, 2020)

September 3, 2020


Ann-Sophie Barwich
Hosted by Joseph Fridman

In Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind (Harvard UP, 2020), cognitive scientist, empirical philosopher & historian of science, technology, and th…