About Amber Bal

I am a fifth year PhD Candidate at Cornell University. My dissertation centers on the representation of rural spaces in Sub-Saharan Francophone African Literature and is organised through a place-based chapter structure (1. The Village, 2. The Catholic Mission, 3. Serer Agricultural Hinterlands 4. The Railway) . As such, my broader research interests include twentieth and twenty-first century Francophone and Wolophone literature, environmental studies and ecocriticism, political economic analyses of empire (primitive accumulation), visual culture (representations of landscape), nineteenth to twenty-first century French anthropological literature, travel writing, ethnographic surrealism. Prior to commencing at Cornell, I received a BA with first-class honours from the University of Oxford in French and Classics. For this reason, a large portion of my research still treats on Classics and classical reception (most especially tragedy and pastoral poetry).

Amber Bal is a PhD Candidate at Cornell University.

NBN Episodes hosted by Amber:

Charles Forsdick and Claire Launchbury, "Transnational French Studies" (Liverpool UP, 2023)

October 24, 2023

Transnational French Studies

Charles Forsdick and Claire Launchbury
Hosted by Amber Bal

On the 16th October 2023, I met with Claire Launchbury and Charles Forsdick to discuss the recent publication of Transnational French Studies (Liverp…