About Gene-George Earle

I am currently a PhD (final year) candidate at East China Normal University in Shanghai researching and working in Social Anthropology. My current thesis is on the Chinese tertiary education and education consultancy firms that help students migrate and study abroad, but interests range fairly broadly across a host of fields as I am coterminously involved in research projects and papers with others on divination and fortunetelling in rural parts of China, sex work and migration in Hong Kong, and aspects of early and modern Chinese philosophy. My educational background also includes more broadly development studies for my Masters (especially its intersection with critical theory and post-colonialism), as well as in a former life graduating in visual arts with focus on art history. All these have broadly informed my interest in theory, politics, history and methods in and around anthropology and the social sciences. Having been out of academia for a few years in living in China, and I've only just recently tried getting back on the networking horse and running on the publishing treadmill, for which I set up an Academia account (link above) with a sample of two papers should you require them (I have two book reviews from the Europe-Asian Journal pending for publication in November). My motivation for joining the podcast team to be honest is completely selfish; I simply love talking books and feel it would be a great way to connect with authors and discuss research! -I have have really enjoyed listening to (among others) Suvi Rautio's podcasts on the New Books Network and was surprised/excited to discover I could do something similar; since I am busy with lots of reading/writing book reviews for journals in any case, joining the team to me seems to be an ideal opportunity to further my reading and studies. Given current thesis and paper writing commitments I suspect the most I would be able to handle is publishing something once a month for the moment, with things likely being a little freer later in the year. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

NBN Episodes hosted by Gene-George:

David Zeitlyn, "An Anthropological Toolkit: Sixty Useful Concepts" (Berghahn Books, 2022)

June 30, 2024

An Anthropological Toolkit

David Zeitlyn

In Professor Zeitlyn's words, anthropology “has had enough of the big ideas already” -especially theories with a big ‘T’. In a discipline that seems…