About Beth Windisch

Beth Windisch is a national security practitioner.

Beth's website

NBN Episodes hosted by Beth:

Arie Perliger, "American Zealots: Inside Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism" (Columbia UP, 2020)

July 21, 2024

American Zealots

Arie Perliger
Hosted by Beth Windisch

In an unsettling time in American history, the outbreak of right-wing violence is among the most disturbing developments. In recent years, attacks ori…

P. W. Singer and August Cole, "Burn-in: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution" (Houghton Mifflin, 2020)

October 19, 2023


P. W. Singer and August Cole
Hosted by Beth Windisch

In P. W. Singer and August Cole's groundbreaking book, Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020), an FBI agent…

Erik J. Dahl, "The COVID-19 Intelligence Failure: Why Warning Was Not Enough" (Georgetown UP, 2023)

June 6, 2023

The COVID-19 Intelligence Failure

Erik J. Dahl
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Epidemiologists and national security agencies warned for years about the potential for a deadly pandemic, but in the end global surveillance and warn…

Aaron Y. Zelin, "Your Sons Are at Your Service: Tunisia's Missionaries of Jihad" (Columbia UP, 2020)

August 27, 2021

Your Sons Are at Your Service

Aaron Y. Zelin
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Tunisia became one of the largest sources of foreign fighters for the Islamic State—even though the country stands out as a democratic bright spot of …

Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko, "Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon" (Redwood Press, 2021)

July 26, 2021

Pastels and Pedophiles

Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Two experts of extremist radicalization take us down the QAnon rabbit hole, exposing how the conspiracy theory ensnared countless Americans, and show …

Séverine Autesserre, "The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider's Guide to Changing the World" (Oxford UP, 2021)

May 6, 2021

The Frontlines of Peace

Séverine Autesserre
Hosted by Beth Windisch

The word "peacebuilding" evokes a story we've all heard over and over: violence breaks out, foreign nations are scandalized, peacekeepers and million-…

Thomas David Parker, "Avoiding the Terrorist Trap: Why Respect for Human Rights is the Key to Defeating Terrorism" (World Scientific, 2019)

April 2, 2021

Avoiding the Terrorist Trap

Thomas David Parker
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Faced with a major terrorist threat, states seem to reach instinctively for the most coercive tools in their arsenal and, in doing so, risk exacerbati…

Cynthia Miller-Idriss, "Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right" (Princeton UP, 2020)

December 2, 2020

Hate in the Homeland

Cynthia Miller-Idriss
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Hate crimes. Misinformation and conspiracy theories. Foiled white-supremacist plots. The signs of growing far-right extremism are all around us, and c…

Rachel M. Gillum, "Muslims in a Post-9/11 America" (U Michigan Press, 2018)

September 23, 2020

Muslims in a Post-9/11 America

Rachel M. Gillum
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Muslims in a Post-9/11 America (University of Michigan Press, 2018) examines how public fears about Muslims in the United States compare with the real…

Muhammed Fraser-Rahim, "America’s Other Muslims" (Lexington Books, 2020)

September 9, 2020

America’s Other Muslims

Muhammed Fraser-Rahim
Hosted by Beth Windisch

America's Other Muslims: Imam W.D. Mohammed, Islamic Reform, and the Making of American Islam explores the oldest and perhaps the most important Musli…

Philip Nash, "Breaking Protocol: America's First Female Ambassadors, 1933-1964" (UP of Kentucky, 2020)

September 1, 2020

Breaking Protocol

Philip Nash
Hosted by Beth Windisch

"It used to be," soon-to-be secretary of state Madeleine K. Albright said in 1996, "that the only way a woman could truly make her foreign policy view…

A. Meleagrou-Hitchens, "Incitement: Anwar al-Awlaki’s Western Jihad" (Harvard UP, 2020)

August 25, 2020


A. Meleagrou-Hitchens
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Anwar al-Awlaki was, according to one of his followers, “the main man who translated jihad into English.” By the time he was killed by an American dro…

Caron Gentry, "Disordered Violence: How Gender, Race and Heteronormativity Structure Terrorism" (Edinburgh UP, 2020)

August 12, 2020

Disordered Violence

Caron Gentry
Hosted by Beth Windisch

In Disordered Violence: How Gender, Race and Heteronormativity Structure Terrorism (Edinburgh University Press, 2020), Caron Gentry looks at how gende…

Daniel P. Aldrich, "Black Wave: How Networks and Governance Shaped Japan’s 3/11 Disasters" (U Chicago Press, 2020)

August 5, 2020

Black Wave

Daniel P. Aldrich
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Despite the devastation caused by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and 60-foot tsunami that struck Japan in 2011, some 96% of those living and working in …

Evy Poumpouras, "Becoming Bulletproof" (Atria Press, 2020)

July 7, 2020

Becoming Bulletproof

Evy Poumpouras
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Former Secret Service agent and star of Bravo’s Spy Games, Evy Poumpouras, shares lessons learned from protecting presidents, as well insights and ski…

S. Moskalenko and C. McCauley, "Radicalization to Terrorism: What Everyone Needs to Know" (Oxford UP, 2020)

July 6, 2020

Radicalization to Terrorism

Sophia Moskalenko and Clark McCauley
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Terrorism and radicalization came to the forefront of news and politics in the US after the unforgettable attacks of September 11th, 2001. When George…

Kurt Braddock, "Weaponized Words" (Cambridge UP, 2020)

June 9, 2020

Weaponized Words

Kurt Braddock
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Kurt Braddock's new book Weaponized Words: The Strategic Role of Persuasion in Violent Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization (Cambridge University…

Elizabeth A. Stanley, "Widen the Window" (Avery Press, 2020)

May 27, 2020

Widen the Window

Elizabeth A. Stanley
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Stress is our internal response to an experience that our brain perceives as threatening or challenging. Trauma is our response to an experience in wh…

V. Hudson, D. Bowen, P. Nielsen, "The First Political Order: How Sex Shapes Governance and National Security Worldwide" (Columbia UP, 2020)

April 1, 2020

The First Political Order

Valerie M. Hudson, Donna Lee Bowen, and Perpetua Lynne Nielsen
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Global history records an astonishing variety of forms of social organization. Yet almost universally, males subordinate females. How does the relatio…

Joana Cook, "A Woman's Place: US Counterterrorism Since 9/11" (Oxford UP, 2020)

March 24, 2020

A Woman's Place

Joana Cook
Hosted by Beth Windisch

The 9/11 attacks fundamentally transformed how the US approached terrorism, and led to the unprecedented expansion of counterterrorism strategies, pol…

Maria Ryan, "Full Spectrum Dominance: Irregular Warfare and the War on Terror" (Stanford UP, 2019)

March 2, 2020

Full Spectrum Dominance

Maria Ryan
Hosted by Beth Windisch

America's war on terror is widely defined by the Afghanistan and Iraq fronts. Yet, as this book demonstrates, both the international campaign and the …

Magnus Nordenman, "The New Battle for the Atlantic: Emerging Naval Competition with Russia in the Far North" (Naval Institute Press, 2019)

January 17, 2020

The New Battle for the Atlantic

Magnus Nordenman
Hosted by Beth Windisch

In The New Battle for the Atlantic: Emerging Naval Competition with Russia in the Far North (Naval Institute Press, 2019), Magnus Nordenman explores t…

Alice Hill, "Building a Resilient Tomorrow: How to Prepare for the Coming Climate Disruption" (Oxford UP, 2019)

January 10, 2020

Building a Resilient Tomorrow

Alice C. Hill
Hosted by Beth Windisch

Climate change impacts-more heat, drought, extreme rainfall, and stronger storms-have already harmed communities around the globe. Even if the world c…

Jenna Jordan, "Leadership Decapitation: Strategic Targeting of Terrorist Organizations" (Stanford UP, 2019)

January 8, 2020

Leadership Decapitation

Jenna Jordan
Hosted by Beth Windisch

One of the central pillars of US counterterrorism policy is that capturing or killing a terrorist group's leader is effective. Yet this pillar rests m…