About Peter Bertero

I am a stay-at-home Dad who indulges in a lifelong, inexhaustible fascination with Russian Studies. U.S.-based and independent of any academic or professional affiliation, I am starving for connection with others around this interest and intent upon finding a way to collaborate and contribute.

My academic background is in Russian Area Studies (B.A. & M.A.), and my core orientation is in the psychological history of Russia. My ongoing research integrates academic sources, government-oriented sources and journalism, as well as arts and culture.

NBN Episodes hosted by Peter:

Pavel Khazanov, "The Russia that We Have Lost: Pre-Soviet Past as Anti-Soviet Discourse" (U Wisconsin Press, 2023)

January 6, 2024

The Russia that We Have Lost

Pavel Khazanov
Hosted by Peter Bertero

In 1917, Bolshevik revolutionaries overthrew the tsar of Russia and established a new, communist government, one that viewed the Imperial Russia of ol…