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Sometimes we have to depend on philosophy to explain to us why something apparently simple is in fact extremely complicated. The way we use referring …
As described by Dovid Katz, Yiddish is an extraordinarily multifaceted language: a language that is at once acclaimed as sacred and dismissed as defic…
According to the blurb, Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics (Oxford University Press, 2016) "explores…
My instinct as a researcher is usually to shy away from confrontation about foundational issues in the philosophy of language, which is probably why I…
It's not always been clear how the study of written language fits into linguistics. As a relatively recent historical development, it's tempting to se…
I must admit that my relationship to philosophy of language is a bit like my relationship to classic literature: I tend to admire it from afar, and re…
A colleague once told me that people in linguistics could be divided into two groups: sheep and snipers. I'm not sure whether this is a proper dichoto…
I hope I'm not being species-centric when I say that the emergence of human language is a big deal. John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary rate it as o…
The name of the New Books in Language channel might hint at a disciplinary bias towards "language". So in some sense Ruth Finnegan's Communicating: th…
As linguists, we're wont to get protective about languages, whether we see them as data points in a typological analysis or a mass of different ways o…
The idea that the language we speak influences the way we think - sometimes referred to as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - has had an interesting history…
A conceptual space sounds like a rather nebulous thing, and basing a semantics on conceptual spaces sounds similarly nebulous. In The Geometry of Mean…
In linguistics, we all happily and glibly affirm that there is no "better" or "worse" among languages (or dialects, or varieties), although we freely …
When big claims are made about neurolinguistics, there often seems to be a subtext that the latest findings will render traditional linguistics obsole…
David Bleich's book The Materiality of Language: Gender, Politics and the University (Indiana University Press, 2013) is described as a wide-ranging c…
Scientists - and I claim to include myself in this category - sometimes seem to be disparaging about the ability of people in general to understand an…
The recognition of speech acts - classically, things like stating, requesting, promising, and so on - sometimes seems like a curiously neglected topic…
One of the risks of a telephone interview is that the sound quality can be less than ideal, and sometimes there's no way around this and we just have …
It's tempting to think that lexicography can go on, untroubled by the concerns of theoretical linguistics, while the rest of us plunge into round afte…
It's not surprising that human language reflects and respects logical relations - logic, in some sense, 'works'. For linguists, this represents a pote…
Although there seems to be a trend towards linguistic theories getting more cognitively or neurally plausible, there doesn't seem to be an imminent pr…
A problem with doing linguistics is that once you start, it's kind of inescapable - you see it everywhere. At some point a few months back, I was watc…
The only disappointment with A History of Psycholinguistics: The Pre-Chomskyan Era (Oxford UP, 2012) is that, as the subtitle says, the story it tells…
Linguists are apt to get excited when a language is identified that exhibits exotic properties, and gladly travel halfway round the world to document …