About Dessy Vassileva

Dessy Vassileva brings a 360º multidisciplinary approach to her work at Vernon Press, an independent publisher of bilingual scholarly books. With degrees in Hispanic Philology, English Studies and Communication, and Marketing, Design, and Advertising, Dessy's diverse educational background equips her with a unique perspective on marketing and design in publishing. Originally from Bulgaria and now living in Spain for over a decade, Dessy's journey reflects her quest for happiness and fulfillment through a blend of her passions. Her work at Vernon Press allows her to have a 360º vision of projects, from inception to completion, and ensures that their projects resonate with audiences, embodying the beauty and complexity of our publications. Now she has embarked on a new mission to spread the word about the books they publish at Vernon Press and what they offer to the academic community.

Dessy Vassileva, 360º: Merging Marketing, Design, and Linguistics.

Dessy's website

NBN Episodes hosted by Dessy:

Michael Scott and Michael Collins, "Christian Shakespeare?: A Collection of Essays on Shakespeare in His Christian Context" (Vernon Press, 2022)

April 23, 2024

Christian Shakespeare

Michael Scott and Michael Collins
Hosted by Dessy Vassileva

The enigma of William Shakespeare's religious beliefs has long tantalized scholars and enthusiasts alike. Vernon Press's latest publication, Christian…