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The police officer who brutalized Abner Louima. A purveyor of child pornography. These are some of the defendants to have come before U.S. District Co…
Over two million Americans are currently in prison or jail. Another 4.5 million are on probation or parole. And nearly one in two Americans have a fam…
It has long been a truism that Americans’ disdain for poor people--our collective sense that if they only worked harder or behaved more responsibly th…
Health inequity is one of the defining problems of our time. But current efforts to address the problem focus on mitigating the harms of injustice rat…
In recent years, a searching national conversation has called attention to the social and racial injustices that define America’s criminal system. The…
Poverty is big business in America. The federal government spends about $900 billion a year on programs that directly or disproportionately impact poo…
For 40 years, this classic text has taken the issue of economic inequality seriously and asked: Why are our prisons filled with the poor? Why aren't t…
The issue of the future of Social Security, on which millions of Americans depend, produced great political theater at the State of the Union address.…
Karl Widerquist's Universal Basic Income (MIT Press, 2024) is an accessible introduction to the simple (yet radical) premise that a small cash income…
Two decades ago, a group of Indonesian agricultural workers began occupying the agribusiness plantation near their homes. In the years since, members …
Aboveground, Manhattan’s Riverside Park provides open space for the densely populated Upper West Side. Beneath its surface run railroad tunnels, disus…
Addressing practice-oriented questions, this handbook engages with both theoretical and political dimensions, unpacking the multidimensional nature of…
Winners Take All meets Nickel and Dimed: a provocative debunking of accepted wisdom, providing the pathway to a sustainable, survivable economy. Conf…
What is the nature of grassroots activism? How and why do individuals get involved or attempt to make change for themselves, others, or their own comm…
American households have a debt problem. The problem is not, as often claimed, that Americans recklessly take on too much debt. The problem is that US…
An eye-opening look at how all American workers, even the highly educated and experienced, are vulnerable to the stigma of unemployment. After receiv…
A pioneering Detroit automobile factory. A legendary iron mill at the edge of Pittsburgh. A campus of concrete grain elevators in Buffalo. Two monumen…
In the tradition of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Deepak Bhargava and Stephanie Luce’s Practical Radicals: Seven Str…
The most successful policies not only solve problems. They also build supportive coalitions. Yet, sometimes, policies trigger backlash and mobilize op…
How did the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program evolve from a Depression-era effort to use up surplus goods into America's foundational food ass…
In the heyday of American labor, the influence of local unions extended far beyond the workplace. Unions fostered tight-knit communities, touching nea…
Think about the last time that you saw or interacted with an unhoused person. What did you do? What did you say? Did you offer money or a smile, or di…
A riveting exposé of medical debt collection in America -- and the profound financial and physical costs eroding patient trust in medicine For the cri…
Zachary Parolin's book Poverty in the Pandemic: Policy Lessons from COVID-19 (Russell Sage Foundation, 2023) is interested in poverty during the COVID…