About Felix A. Jiménez Botta

I am an Assistant Professor of History and Religion at Miyazaki International College, a small liberal arts college in Japan. I am writing a book on West German human rights advocacy, humanitarian governance, and foreign policy towards Latin America. It is entitled: From Antifascism to Neoliberalism: Latin America and the Trajectories of Human Rights in West Germany, 1973¬1990s. My general academic interests are forced migration, humanitarianism, development, and global intellectual history. My hobbies are learning Japanese, surfing and stand-up-paddling, and hiking.

NBN Episodes hosted by Felix A.:

Kevin O'Sullivan, "The NGO Moment: The Globalisation of Compassion from Biafra to Live Aid" (Cambridge UP, 2021))

March 18, 2022

The NGO Moment

Kevin O'Sullivan

In this episode, Kevin O’Sullivan talks about his book on aid-focused NGOs from Ireland, Britain, and Canada in the 1960s-80s, The NGO Moment: The Glo…