About Radwan Ziadeh

NBN Episodes hosted by Radwan:

Lawrence Wittner, "Working for Peace and Justice: Memoires of an Activist Intellectual" (U Tennessee Press, 2012)

October 10, 2012

Working for Peace and Justice

Lawrence Wittner
Hosted by Radwan Ziadeh

Lawrence S. Wittner's memoir is a retrospective of a life and career that has straddled between academia and social engagement. While many scholars ad…

Paul Friedland, "Seeing Justice Done: The Age of Spectacular Capital Punishment In France" (Oxford UP, 2012)

July 16, 2012

Seeing Justice Done

Paul Friedland
Hosted by Radwan Ziadeh

It seems safe to say that the guillotine occupies a macabre place in the popular imagination among the icons of France's transition to modernity--perh…