About Cody Skahan

Cody Skahan (cas12@hi.is) is a graduate of the MA program in Anthropology at the University of Iceland as a Leifur Eriksson Fellow and will be starting his DPhil at the University of Oxford in the fall of 2024. His work focuses on environmentalism in the Arctic, especially amidst conflicting and interrelated sociotechnical imaginaries originating from different sources such as youth environmentalists. Cody co-hosts a social theory and anthropology podcast with two of his friends called Un/livable Cultures (https://unlivablecultures.wordpress.com/) available wherever you get podcasts.
Cody Skahan (cas12@hi.is) is a graduate of the MA program in Anthropology at the University of Iceland as a Leifur Eriksson Fellow and will be starting his DPhil at the University of Oxford in the fall of 2024. His work focuses on environmentalism in the Arctic, especially amidst conflicting and interrelated sociotechnical imaginaries originating from different sources such as youth environmentalists. Cody co-hosts a social theory and anthropology podcast with two of his friends called Un/livable Cultures (https://unlivablecultures.wordpress.com/) available wherever you get podcasts.
Cody's website

NBN Episodes hosted by Cody:

Joshua Schuster, "What Is Extinction?: A Natural and Cultural History of Last Animals" (Fordham UP, 2023)

June 28, 2024

What Is Extinction?

Joshua Schuster
Hosted by Cody Skahan

Life on Earth is facing a mass extinction event of our own making. Human activity is changing the biology and the meaning of extinction. What Is Extin…

Todd Mcgowan, "Embracing Alienation: Why We Shouldn't Try to Find Ourselves" (Repeater, 2024)

May 18, 2024

Embracing Alienation

Todd Mcgowan
Hosted by Cody Skahan

The left views alienation as something to be resisted or overcome, but could it actually form the basis of our emancipation? We often think of our exi…

Todd McGowan, "Enjoyment Right & Left" (Sublation Media, 2022)

April 11, 2023

Enjoyment Right & Left

Todd McGowan
Hosted by Cody Skahan

Today I talked to Todd McGowan about his book Enjoyment Right & Left (Sublation Media, 2022). While understanding the psychic structure of pleasure…

David Bond, "Negative Ecologies: Fossil Fuels and the Discovery of the Environment" (U California Press, 2022)

February 21, 2023

Negative Ecologies

David Bond
Hosted by Cody Skahan

So much of what we know of clean water, clean air, and now a stable climate rests on how fossil fuels first disrupted them. Negative Ecologies: Fossil…

Emily Strasser, "Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning with a Hidden History" (UP of Kentucky, 2023)

February 5, 2023

Half-Life of a Secret

Emily Strasser
Hosted by Cody Skahan

In 1942, the US government began construction on a sixty-thousand-acre planned community named Oak Ridge in a rural area west of Knoxville, Tennessee.…

Jonathan Crary, "Scorched Earth: Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist World" (Verso, 2022)

June 22, 2022

Scorched Earth

Jonathan Crary
Hosted by Cody Skahan

In this uncompromising essay, Jonathan Crary presents the obvious but unsayable reality: our ‘digital age’ is synonymous with the disastrous terminal …

Lin Song, "Queering Chinese Kinship: Queer Public Culture in Globalizing China" (Hong Kong UP, 2021)

June 10, 2022

Queering Chinese Kinship

Lin Song
Hosted by Cody Skahan

China has one of the largest queer populations in the world, but what does it mean to be queer in a Confucian society in which kinship roles, ties, an…