Let My People Go (with Matt Osborne): Fighting Child Slavery and Exploitation with OUR Rescue


LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED: The topic of today’s episode is human trafficking and crimes against children, usually sexual crimes, and sometimes ritual abuse and organ harvesting.

Matt Osborne has worked with OUR Rescue (originally Operation Underground Railroad) for ten years; he left his CIA career to join this NGO and is now one of the longest-serving members of the team. Last year he was COO and president and these days he’s Global Ambassador for Operations and Education; as part of this new role, he hosts the Voices for Freedom podcast with his friend and colleague Jessica Mass.

[I intentionally did not ask Matt about Tim Ballard, the founder of the organization and subject of the loosely biographical Sound of Freedom, who had to leave the organization after accusations in 2023 about past scandalous behavior toward (adult) women. I also did not ask him about the politics of Jim Caviezel who played Ballard in the film. You can read about these things very easily online, but it seemed to me to have nothing to do with our guest today and were rather a distraction from the important work of OUR Rescue.]

Here is the pilgrimage with Monique and Joseph González this coming September with Inside the Vatican, and the related episodes from Almost Good Catholics:

Here is my first discussion with Pastor Brian Zahnd and the film A Hidden Life which we will be talking about on August 15:

Your Host

Krzysztof Odyniec

Krzysztof Odyniec is a historian of Medieval and Early Modern Europe; he is also the host of the 'Almost Good Catholics' podcast.

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