Muslimness in China


In this episode Salman Sayyid talks to Haiyun Ma about Muslimness in China. This is the second episode in this series which addresses this topic: in a previous episode we spoke to Darren Byler about Uyghur Muslims in East Turkestan. In this episode, our focus is slightly different, and encompasses many Muslim groups in China. Haiyun Ma, assistant professor at Frostburg State University, tells us about his career and his interests in Islam and Muslims in Chinese history. This episode is one of our ‘Forgotten Ummah’ episodes, which tell the story of Muslimness in places that are not normatively or traditionally thought of as Muslim.

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Radio Reorient

This is Radio ReOrient: exploring the post-Western, reconnecting the Islamosphere. Every other Friday we feature conversations with thinkers, artists and community activists about things Islamicate and decolonial. Radio ReOrient is a part of the Critical Muslim Studies project, connecting and intersecting acts of epistemic disobedience and political re-imagination.

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