Radio Reorient Season 11: A Wrap Up and Round Up


In this final episode of Season 11, the Radio ReOrient team - Hizer Mir, Claudia Radiven, Saeed Khan, Chella Ward and Salman Sayyid - look back over our discussions this season. We put these into the context in which the conversations took place: the context of the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the Occupied Territories, of global Islamophobia, of campus movements and protests for decolonial liberation… and much more. We reflect on the value of the literary, which has been a thread throughout this season, for imagining beyond islamophobia and share some secret sneak peaks of what to expect next season! We will be back soon and look forward to catching up with you then, listeners old and new. But for now: let’s listen in!

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Radio Reorient

This is Radio ReOrient: exploring the post-Western, reconnecting the Islamosphere. Every other Friday we feature conversations with thinkers, artists and community activists about things Islamicate and decolonial. Radio ReOrient is a part of the Critical Muslim Studies project, connecting and intersecting acts of epistemic disobedience and political re-imagination.

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