Nicholas Duncan, "Tales from a Muzungu" (Peace Corps Writers, 2014)


Tales from a Muzungu (Peace Corps Writers, 2014) relates a Peace Corps Volunteer's experiences living and working inUganda. Mixing keen observation, sensitivity, and insight with a mordant wit and sense of humor, Nicholas Duncan discusses the highs and lows of being a PCV in East Africa. Filled with moments of danger, absurdity, joy, and shock, Duncan's book portrays the reality of what it is like to be aPeace Corps volunteer. The book should be read by all interested in development, and by those considering joining the Peace Corps. But the book is also much more. It is a story of whatDuncan's Peace Corps experience tells us about the kinds of inventions sparked by cross-cultural dynamics: of the self, of Africa and Africans, and how these inventions shape our interconnected and globalized world.

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