Proust Questionnaire 18: Anna Condo, Artist


Anna is a French director and photographer who was born in Armenia and now lives in New York City. A trained actor and film director, in 1998 she published her first book “AH Allen,” a powerful tribute to her friend and poet Allen Ginsberg. Since 2013, Anna has been focusing on flower photography which have been exhibited internationally and won her wide acclaim.

Ulrich Baer is University Professor at New York University where he teaches literature and photography, and writes frequently about photography, art, literature, and other subjects. He is also the host of the podcast “Think About It” and editorial director at Warbler Press. Caroline Weber is a specialist of French literature, history, and culture. She is Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Barnard College and Columbia University in New York City.

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Your Host

Uli Baer and Caroline Weber

Ulrich Baer is University Professor at New York University where he teaches literature and photography, and writes frequently about photography, art, literature, and other subjects. He is also the host of the podcast “Think About It” and editorial director at Warbler Press. Twitter: @UliBaer; Intragram. Caroline Weber is a specialist of French literature, history, and culture. She is Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Barnard College and Columbia University in New York City. Twitter: @CorklinedRoom. Instagram.

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